The quirky line that I like saying about myself is - “Hello World! I’m a genetic program unplugged from the matrix, living my clock ticks by random if-else.”. It says I am a nerd - but what more? It says about my enchantment about the simulation hypothesis and evolutionary algorithms. It says about my fascination in bridging the digital and biological world, atleast in intelligent decision making. Yet, it says so little about me - about who I really am, about what defines me as ‘me’…
For the brightest stars and the darkest chasms, a name is more than enough… take Alexander the Great or King Solomon, take Albert Einstein or Issac Newton, take Abraham Lincoln or Karl Marx for example.
But maybe I am biased here. I know very little of the greatest of the Chinese philosopher, or the South African athletes. I know these names as I also know what they stood out for - by formal education or social upbringing, is in a way connected to me. People indeed are remembered by the footprints they leave behind…
doesn’t quite encapsulate anything of who I am. The name hardly a shell, my current professional career a speck in the vastness of things I like to associate myself with. This is what this page is about…
but before that… a trip down memory lane… of each spin on the potter’s wheel that shaped who I am today… an ode to every event, every person, who touched my life and moulded me.
… I was born on the rainy month of July, 1991 in Purulia, West Bengal. I lived there for the best part of my life. The place infused in me the simplicity of the district folks, the love for nature as well as the laid-back attitude towards life. I began my schooling there, at Little Angels School (don’t know, how I still grew up to be a cunning imp though). An year after I got admission into the Assembly of God Church School, Purulia. My parents were both doctors working at the district hospital.
When I was in class three, my parents were transferred to Kolkata. We shifted leaving behind old friends and games. I joined the Assembly of God Church, Royd Street on November, 1999. For the first few months we stayed at my maternal uncle’s residence, then we shifted to our new apartment in South Kolkata. Life was monotonous at home. I was a slow friend maker, so I found a better friend in my new computer. However, I made some friends in school. Years rolled by, and I focused my attention to academics and honing my skills in art and music.
From primary to secondary, and then to higher secondary. Years flew till I found myself at the board examinations. I fared well in ICSE and then took up science with computer science as additional. Finally came the numerous entrance gates. Among SPA Delhi (B.Arch), ITBHU Varanasi (B.Tech Power Electronics), HIT Kolkata (B.Tech ECE), SXC Kolkata (Hons. Physics), NIT Durgapur (B.Tech ECE) and IIST Thiruvananthapuram (B.Tech Avionics), I choose the later. I wonder how it would have been different if I had chosen something else? Sigh! We would never know! But, I loved space science from my tender years, and it was a dream come true.
… (add IIST, ISRO, TUD)